
What Is The Final Step In The Perform Integrated Change Control Process?

A change request is a formal proposal to modify any document, deliverable or baseline.

Several project management processes may involve a change asking.

Perform integrated change control is the process of reviewing all change requests and approving the changes. This process happens throughout the project for integrating change requests.

The canonical change asking may be a

  • Preventive action (an intentional activity that ensures the future performance of the project is aligned with the project management plan)
  • Cosmetic action (an intentional activeness that realigns the future operation of the project with the project management plan)
  • Defect repair (an intentional activity that modifies a non-conforming production or product component) or
  • Updates (changes to formally controlled project documents)

The approved changes are implemented through the direct and manage project work process, to achieve the project's objectives.

Perform Integrated Change Control

Changes to the Project Management Plan

Project management plan should be baselined and so that the bodily projection operation can exist measured against the baseline. Before baselining the projection management program, it can be changed every bit many times as you want without going through whatsoever modify command process. Merely, once the baseline is agreed, whatever further changes can happen only through formal alter command process.

While developing the project direction plan, we as well should establish which project documents will be subject area to the formal change control procedure.

Alter management programme, a component of the project direction program, describes how the change requests will be formally authorized and incorporated.

Modify log is a projection document. The modify log contains the status of all modify requests.

In an Active/ adaptive environment, the projection manager's focus is on ensuring the team has the ability to respond to changes.

Perform Integrated Change Control [Step-by-Pace]

The starting time thing to practice every bit a Projection Manager is to minimize change requests in a project. You take to piece of work to influence the causes of change requests.

You need to understand that, in spite of your efforts, changes are inevitable in a project.

Change Control Sequence

If y'all become a modify request, the post-obit are the suggested steps to address the change request:

  • Receive the change asking. Any projection stakeholder may request a alter.
  • Identify/ clarify demand for modify.
  • Changes may be initiated verbally; in such cases, the changes should exist documented into a proper change request in written form.
  • Record the modify request in the change log.
  • Evaluate the touch on of the requested change on diverse project objectives. The analysis should address various questions like:
    • Does the change affect the schedule?
    • Are nosotros going to incur boosted costs if the change is implemented?
    • Does it introduce any new risks?
    • How the overall project take chances has changed? …
  • One time the evaluation is washed, the Project Manager submits the following to the Change Control Board (CCB):
    • Change Request
    • Assay Report
    • His/ her recommendation to the CCB
  • CCB reviews the change request, with the inputs given by Project Manager. After the review, CCB will take a determination either to accept the modify request, defer it or pass up it.

You should also notation that depending on the level of potency given to the project manager, the alter requests may exist reviewed and approved by the projection manager himself/ herself.

  • Client or sponsor approval may be needed for certain change requests later on CCB approval, in case they are not part of the CCB.
  • Update the change log with the determination of the CCB (approved, deferred or rejected)
  • Update the relevant components of the project direction plan and the project documents.
  • Communicate the changes to relevant stakeholders
  • Implement the changes (approved modify requests go back as an input to Direct and Manage Project Work procedure)
  • Check whether the changes are implemented (approved alter requests are an input to Control Quality process)

Modify Requests equally Input

Do you know how many processes accept change requests every bit an input?

It is only I procedure that takes modify request as an input. Whatever guess which process information technology is?

Did you say Perform Integrated Alter Control process? Yes, you are right.

Perform Integrated Change Control procedure is the simply process where y'all will see change requests every bit an input. This makes sense equally this is the only process where the change requests are reviewed and approved/ deferred/ rejected.

And then, remember, if you see change requests as an input in any of the PMP test question, the process should be Perform Integrated Change Command.

Change Requests as Output

Change requests can be generated throughout the project. PMBOK Guide has listed 25 processes where modify requests may be generated. They are:

  • Initiating Procedure Group
    1. Identify Stakeholders
  • Planning Process Group
    1. Define Activities
    2. Develop Schedule
    3. Plan Take a chance Responses
    4. Plan Procurement Management
  • Executing Procedure Group
    1. Direct and Manage Projection Work
    2. Manage Quality
    3. Larn Resources
    4. Develop Squad
    5. Manage Team
    6. Implement Take chances Responses
    7. Conduct Procurements
    8. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
  • Monitoring and Controlling Process Group
    1. Monitor and Control Projection Piece of work
    2. Validate Telescopic
    3. Control Telescopic
    4. Control Schedule
    5. Command Costs
    6. Control Quality
    7. Control Resources
    8. Monitor Communications
    9. Monitor Risks
    10. Control Procurements
    11. Monitor Stakeholder Date

You do non need to recollect all the 24 processes.

Only, you should call up that all Monitoring and Controlling processes (except 4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control) will generate Change requests.

Approved Modify Requests equally Input

Don't get dislocated between Alter requests and Approved modify requests. Canonical change requests are inputs to 3 processes namely

  1. Direct and Manage Projection Work
  2. Control Quality and
  3. Control Procurements

Approved Modify Requests as Output

How many processes do you think tin  approve change requests? Merely ONE.

Which process is that? Aye, it is Perform Integrated Alter Control.

Every bit we have discussed throughout this article, the alter requests are reviewed and canonical in the Perform Integrated Modify Command process. So, naturally, the output of this process should be Canonical change requests.


Changes are an integral function of any projection. It is the responsibility of the project manager to fairly manage the changes in a project.

Do you follow the above steps in your projection?

Do y'all recall the above flow nautical chart helps you lot in your PMP exam preparation?

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Manickavel Arumugam

What Is The Final Step In The Perform Integrated Change Control Process?,


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